For the second time in a row, the Brauerei Gebr. Maisel from Bayreuth secures the title “Brewery of the Year” in the beer tasting competition “Finest Beer Selection” organized by Doemens and Meininger Verlag.
For the second time in a row: Brauerei Gebr. Maisel is “Brewery of the Year” – Brauerei Maisel

The reason for this is the outstanding overall result:
a total of twelve beers from the family brewery received more than 90 out of a possible 100 points, more than any other brewery. “When we found out last year that we were the best German brewery in the competition, we were overwhelmed. The fact that we have now been awarded the title once again and have even managed to improve on it is hard to put into words,” says the delighted Jeff Maisel, fourth-generation owner of the brewery. The repeated success is a reflection of the outstanding results of the beers submitted by the family brewery to the renowned expert tasting – and thus their exceptional quality. “This success is the result of our outstanding teamwork. I am incredibly proud of the performance of the entire team, who work meticulously every day to ensure that our beer specialties are of this high standard,” says Marc Goebel, Managing Director of the brewery, in praise of his team.
Best non-alcoholic beer comes from Bayreuth
A look at the results of the individual beers shows the wide range covered by the tasting. 90 points were awarded to the Maisel & Friends India Ale, 91 points to Maisel’s Weisse Leicht. 92 points went to the Maisel & Friends Alkoholfrei. The Maisel & Friends West Coast IPA, the Maisel & Friends Pale Ale, Maisel & Friends Hell, the Maisel & Friends Chocolate Bock and the limited Maisel & Friends Hazy IPA by SUTOSUTO received 93 points. Maisel & Friends IPA, Maisel’s Weisse Original and the limited Maisel & Friends Sour Power scored 94 points. With 96 points, Maisel’s Weisse Alkoholfrei achieved a particularly great result – and is the best non-alcoholic beer in the entire competition.
“An overall result with many superlatives. It goes without saying that our team must be celebrated for this. Credit where credit is due!” says Jeff Maisel proudly. The entire brewery team was therefore surprised by the management with a red carpet in front of the entrance the day after the award ceremony. Just in time for the start of the shift in the early hours of the morning, there was joyful cheering outside the Bayreuth brewery.